ATASC Van Depremi’nde Hayatini Kaybedenlere Allah’tan Rahmet Diler

ATASC dun meydana gelen Van Depremi’nde hayatini kaybeden Turk vatandaslarimiza Allah’tan rahmet, ailelerine bassagligi ve sabir diler. Guncel bilgiler icin sayfamizi daha sonra tekrar ziyaret ediniz. Asagidaki linklerden deprem ile ilgili teknik detaylari gorebilirsiniz:


ATASC would like send our deepest condolences to those whose relatives and loved ones lost their lives during the Van Earthquake that occured yesterday. We share in the grief of their families. Please check back this page for more up to date information . You can find detailed information about this earthquake at the following links: