Assembly Bill 1410 bad for California

Unethical and unconstitutional business regulation

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California Assembly Bill (AB) 1410 introduced by the California Legislative Armenian Caucus members, Adrin Nazarian (D), Katcho Achadjian (R), and Scott Wilk (R), seeks divestment of public employee and teacher pension funds from Turkey. The bill urges Turkey to change its policy accepting the debated “Armenian genocide” narrative of the World War I-era interethnic conflict.

AB 1410 contradicts the U.S. Consitution by adversely affecting the federal government’s exclusive right to regulate foreign commerce. It also panders to ethnic special interests establishing a dangerous slippery slope and depriving California taxpayers of their right to do business with Turkey, the world’s 17th largest economy.

Join the Pax Turcica action campaign to inform your elected officials and media about the unethical and unconstitutional nature of AB 1410.

Please, make sure to select your California Assembly and Senate member, and at least 5 media targets, and forward responses to

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